
v2.25.1 - 08.07.2024

Fixed IncompatibleClassChangeError

v2.25.0 - 06.07.2024

  • Add support for Minecraft 1.21

  • Improve skull performance in menus

  • Added world type to the import command

  • Allow builders to be added and removed via command

v2.24.4 - 13.12.2023

  • Added support for Minecraft 1.20.4

v2.24.3 - 01.12.2023

  • Worlds are now unloaded by default; If you do not have this setting activated, I suggest you do so

  • Add permission to setting individual status states (/worlds setStatus):

  • Improve player teleportation: Player is now teleported up when VOID damage is received

  • You can now use PlaceholderAPI placeholders in messages

  • The scoreboard is now updated scoreboard asynchronously

v2.24.2 - 04.10.2023

  • Added 1.20.2 support

v2.24.1 - 26.06.2023

  • Added 1.20.1 support

v2.24.0 - 10.06.2023

  • Added 1.20 support

  • Added ability to filter words in navigator

    • New slot in the navigator

    • Toggle through multiple settings: "none", "starts with", "contains" and "matches"

  • Allow admins to specify further illegal characters in a world's name

    • New config option: invalid-characters

    • If a character in the world's name matches the specified regex, it is removed

  • New placeholders

    • %buildsystem_lastedited%

    • %buildsystem_lastloaded%

    • %buildsystem_lastunloaded%

v2.23.1 - 07.05.2023

  • Fixed worlds being not imported correctly

  • Scoreboard lines longer than 30 chars are now trimmed in versions <1.13

  • Fixed bypass of world version check when importing worlds (-DPaper.ignoreWorldDataVersion)

v2.23.0 - 23.03.2023

  • Added 1.19.4 support

  • Added ability to not send messages

    • Blank messages are no longer sent to the player

    • Example: A command is to be hidden from /buildsystem -> Set buildsystem_XXX: "" in the messages.yml file

v2.22.3 - 04.03.2023

  • Fix duplicate message key

    • The key "worlds_import_newer_version" was supposed to be "worlds_importall_newer_version"

  • Allow messages to contain commas

    • Previously, when using commas (,) in multi-line messages would result in the message being split

v2.22.2 - 20.12.2022

Compress world level.dat with GZIP when writing server version

v2.22.1 - 16.12.2022

Fixes a bug that would stop worlds from being loaded on servers using Spigot 1.8

v2.22.0 - 16.12.2022

  • 1.19.3 support

  • Check world DataVersion before loading

    • Stops newer worlds from being loaded in older versions

    • Is ignored when Paper.ignoreWorldDataVersion flag is enabled

  • Add move-items config option

    • Stops a player from moving/taking items to/from other inventories when in build-mode

    • Also changed the default of drop-items to true

v2.21.2 - 05.11.2022

  • Improvements to /build

    • Add permission for when setting other players into build-mode:

    • Reset player inventory when leaving build-mode

    • New config option for disabling item drops when in build-mode (default: false)

    • Add LuckPerms context for when players are in build-mode (build-mode)

v2.21.1 - 05.11.2022

Fix world icon not displaying correctly

v2.21.0 - 05.11.2022

  • Utilize PaperLib

    • If the server is running Paper, players will be teleported asynchronously

  • Improved /worlds command

    • Up till now, whenever a command such as /worlds edit <world> was run, the world always had to be specified

    • Now, whenever a world is not specified (/worlds edit) the player's current world is used

  • Improvements to /blocks

    • Added invisible item frame to servers running 1.17

    • Improved rotation of orientable blocks

v2.20.6 - 10.10.2022

  • Add permissions to each world type creation

    • Allows server owners to restrict which world types can be created

  • Allow admins to bypass a world's permission

    • Use the admin permission: buildsystem.admin

v2.20.5 - 15.08.2022

  • Fix NoSuchMethodError thrown in legacy versions

v2.20.4 - 02.08.2022

  • Don't use StringUtils from apache commons lang3

v2.20.3 - 04.07.2022

  • Fix "Double Stone Slab" block being placed incorrectly (Minecraft 1.14+)

  • Show archived private worlds in world archive

v2.20.2 - 03.07.2022

  • Added piston head block to /blocks

v2.20.1 - 15-06.2022

  • Update notifier displayed incorrect version

v2.20 - 15.06.2022

  • Support for Minecraft 1.19

v2.19 - 27.05.2022

  • Default world permissions

    • Added 2 new config options: world.default.permission.public and world.default.permission.public

    • Each option sets the default permission the respected world type will have when created

    • Use %world% as a placeholder for the world's name

  • Restrict commands to world creator

    • All commands defaults to .self when no suffix (.self, .other) is provided. For example: =

    • With the permission suffix .self, a player can only modify worlds that belong to the player (player is creator)

    • With the permission suffix .other, a player can only modify worlds that don't belong to the player (player is not creator)

  • More permission checks when using /worlds edit

v2.18.9 - 21.04.2022

  • Correctly allow multiple private worlds to be created

v2.18.8 - 21.04.2022

  • From now on, only the creator of a world can delete it (or players with the admin permission: buildsystem.admin)

  • Players are no longer limited to one private world. Use the permission buildsystem.create.private.<amount> to set the maximum amount a player can create

v2.18.7 - 12.04.2022

  • Navigator permission changes

    • Changes the permission needed to open the navigator to buildsystem.navigator

    • Adds a permission which is needed to receive the navigator item: buildsystem.navigator.item

v2.18.6 - 30.03.2022

  • Changes to world difficulty

    • Allow a world's difficulty to be changed in the /worlds edit <world> menu

    • Correctly retrieve the default world difficultly from the config

v2.18.5 - 29.03.2022

  • Fix incorrect chunk generator when loading worlds

    • Worlds that were unloaded and then loaded again were using the standard WorldCreator, not the custom generators they should be

v2.18.4 - 21.03.2022

  • Fixed an error in legacy versions (< 1.13) where normal blocks could not be broken when slab breaking was enabled

v2.18.3 - 20.03.2022

  • Some listeners were registered twice

  • Instant Place Signs would not work with Material#DARK_OAK_SIGN

  • Unloaded worlds were not being deleted correctly

  • /settings would throw a NPE when using Minecraft versions < 1.13

v2.18.2 - 11.03.2022

  • Added new config option: teleport-after-creation (default: true)

    • When enabled, the player is teleported a world after it is created instead of having to enter through the navigator

v2.18.1 - 06.03.2022

  • Support for Minecraft 1.18.2

v2.18 - 15.02.2022

Full changelog:

  • Support for RGB messages

  • Implement buildsystem:role Context for LuckPerms

  • Add limits to the amount of worlds allowed to be created

v2.17.2 - 16.01.2022

v2.17.1 - 26.12.2021

  • Fix WorldEdit wand breaking blocks

v2.17 - 09.12.2021

  • Support for Minecraft 1.18

v2.16.6 - 26.11.2021

  • NoClassDefFoundError with /worlds help

v2.16.5 - 25.11.2021

  • Previously, only WorldEdit commands were blocked. Now the usage of brushes etc should also be blocked

v2.16.4 - 21.09.2021

  • Added ability to unimport worlds with /worlds unimport (Perm: buildsystem.unimport)

  • Added /w as an alias for /worlds

v2.16.3 - 01.09.2021

  • Added option to add worlds to a blacklist which ensures that they won't be unloaded (config.yml: world.unload.blacklisted-worlds)

  • Added option to keep the "Navigator" on inventory clear (/settings)

v2.16.2 - 23.08.2021

  • Added command to remove a world's custom spawn (/worlds removeSpawn)

  • Added option to set a world's default difficulty to the config (world.default.difficulty)

v2.16.1 - 02.08.2021

  • Adds option to not give navigator on join ("settings.navigator.give-item-on-join")

v2.16 - 26.07.2021

  • Custom world generators

    • When creating a new world, a new icon can be found in the "World Create GUI": Generators

    • In order to create a world with a custom world generator, the generator plugin must be present in the "plugins" folder (and the plugins must be loaded!)

    • Then after having selected "Generators" as a world type, enter the world name and afterwards the name of the World Generator and voilà!

v2.15 - 22.07.2021

  • Support for 1.17(.1)

v2.14.6 - 23.04.2021

  • Standard settings for newly created worlds

    • e.g. physics, explosions, etc.

v2.14.5 - 13.01.2021

  • World names in /worlds can now have other characters that the world name itself​

v2.14.4 - 03.11.2020

  • Support for Minecraft 1.16.4

v2.14.3 - 20.09.2020

  • Added the ability to write with colors in the chat & on signs » Chat: » Signs: buildsystem.color.sign

v2.14.2 - 18.08.2020

  • 1.16.2 support

v2.14.1 - 15.08.2020

  • The navigator should now work as expected in 1.16+

  • Fixed back_usage message error (only for newly generated messages.yml files)​

v2.14 - 14.08.2020

  • 1.16 support

  • New commands

  • Sort worlds by project

  • Bypass permissions

    • buildsystem.bypass.archive (When you are in an archived world)

    • (When you are not a builder)

    • buildsystem.bypass.settings (When block breaking/placement is disabled)

  • New PAPI-Placeholder

    • %buildsystem_time%

    • Returns the time in a world ​

v2.13.3 - 09.06.2020

  • /spawn [set/remove] & /config <reload> can now be tab-completed

v2.13.2 - 02.06.2020

  • Expansion for PlaceholderAPI

    • BuildSystem now contains placeholders for PAPI» A ful list of placeholders can be found *here*

  • %builders% placeholder for messages.yml

    • Can be used e.g. in the world navigator

    • Not available for the scoreboard!

v2.13.1 - 23.05.2020

  • Added sounds to the "World Editor" and the "Builders" GUI

v2.13 - 22.05.2020

  • New setting: Place plants

    • When enabled, plants can be placed n all kinds of blocks

  • World editor

    • Easily customise worlds with a GUI » Can be opened with /worlds edit or by right-clicking a word in the world navigator

    • World must be loaded to use the editor!

    • Features:

      • Toggle block breaking/placement/physics

      • Alter the time of day

      • Toggle explosions

      • Butcher all mobs in a world

      • Manage builders (more to that later)

      • Manage gamerules

      • Toggle world visibility (if a world is shown in "Private Worlds")

      • Toggle MobAIs

      • Change a world's status/project/permission

  • Introducing builders

    • When a world has builders enabled (private worlds by default, public worlds after being enabled), only these players can place and destroy blocks

    • A list of a world's builder can be seen in the world editor or with /worlds builders (Permission:

    • Add a builder in the world editor or with /worlds addBuilder (Permission: worlds.addbuilder)

    • Remove a builder in the world editor or with /worlds removeBuilder (Permission: worlds.removebuilder)

    • Only the world creator can add or remove builders! (Set the creator with /worlds setCreator )

    • Can be disabled in the config (block-world-edit-non-builder)

  • Admin bypass permission

    • Permission: buildsystem.admin

    • Bypasses all restrictions such as not being the creator of a world, archived worlds, disabled block breaking/placement

  • New /worlds info placeholders

    • Added %builders_enabled%, %block_breaking% & %block_placement%

    • Shows whether or not a certain world has the builder feature enabled and whether or not blocks can be placed/broken

v2.12.2 - 17.05.2020

  • Powered Redstone Lamps are now lit, even when physics are disabled

  • "Disabled Interact" should again work as expected

v2.12.1 - 10.05.2020

  • Update checker

    • Automatically checks for updates when the server starts/reloads

    • Players who have the permision "buildsystem.update" (default: op) are also notified of join

    • Can be disabled in the config (update-checker)

  • Additions to /speed

    • /s as an alias for /speed

    • /speed (/s) can now be tab-completed

v2.12 - 07.05.2020

  • More settings

    • Instant Place Signs: Allows for signs to be placed without the menu opening

    • Player hider: Hide/show all players

  • Custom import generators

    • When importing worlds you can now choose from 3 generators: NORMAL, FLAT, VOID (default)

    • /world import [-g ]

  • Implemented bStats

    • Gives me information on how the plugin is used, so I can improve it more

  • Toggle join/quit messages

    • Option found in the config: join-quit-messages (default: true)

  • Toggle block in void worlds

    • You can now toggle whether or not a gold block is placed in a void world when it is created

    • Option found in the config: void-block (default: true)

v2.11.1 - 05.05.2020

  • Fixed a bug where the second page of the "World Archive" couldn't be opened

v2.11 - 04.05.2020

  • /worlds setStatus GUI can now be customized

    • Use /setup and proceed the same as with changing the other default item

v2.10 - 23.04.2020

  • Added the option the clear a player's inventory on join

    • Can be toggled with /settings (default: disabled)

  • Worlds can now be unloaded

    • After X amount of time, a world is unloaded if a player hasn't entered the world since then (default is 1h)

    • First enable the option in the config (unload-worlds)

    • If you want to you can change the time until the world is unloaded (time-until-unload)

    • Then reload the server

  • Worlds can now be sorted in more ways

    • Added "Z-A" and "oldest first"

  • The scoreboard can now be disabled in the config

v2.9 - 04.04.2020

  • /setup

    • Changes the items which

      a) are shown in the GUI when you create a world

      b) are given to specific worlds by default (e.g. Normal world is a log)

    • Permission: buildsystem.setup

v2.8.1 - 25.03.2020

  • Fixed a bug where worlds wouldn't load if they had a dot in their name

v2.8 - 21.03.2020

  • Spawn system

    • Use /spawn set to set a spawn where all players will be teleported to (if they wish) when they join the server or use /spawn » Remove the spawn with /spawn remove

    • Permission needed: buildsystem.spawn

  • New settings

    • There are now 2 new options in /settings

      1) Toggle block interactions:

      • When block interactions are deactivated you can place blocks against certain blocks (e.g. furnace, crafting table, chest, etc.) without opening them

      • This function works best in Spigot 1.13+ because blocks won't rotate when place in versions below

      2) Toggle spawn teleportation

      • If players don't want to be teleported to the spawn, they can disable this

  • World information

    • /worlds info [world] gives you information about a world

    • Permission:

  • Fast enable physics

    • /physics all quickly enables world physics in all worlds, as long as there isn't a world names "all"

v2.7 - 01.03.2020

  • More world information

    • Newly created world from now on store the world creator and creation date/time

      • World Creator: %creator%

      • Creation date/time: %date%

    • These new placeholders can be used in the scoreboard and in the world navigator lore

    • The world creator can be changed with /worlds setCreator

    • The date format can be changed in the config

  • Option to change how worlds are sorted in the navigator

    • Choose between Alphabetically and Creation date

    • Can be changed with /settings

v2.6.2 - 26.02.2020

  • Fixed a bug where /worlds setStatus threw an error in Spigot versions <1.13

v2.6.1 - 23.01.2020

  • Bug fix

v2.6 - 04.01.2020

  • Added "Nether" & "End" worlds

    • To create such a world just click on the corresponding items when creating a world: End stone (End) and Netherrack (Nether)

v2.5.1 - 01.01.2020

  • Forgot to add the new commands to /buildsystem » Added /explosions and /noai

v2.5 - 30.12.2019

  • Disable entity AIs

    • Use /noai [world] to disable entity AIs

    • Permission: buildsystem.noai

  • Disable explosions

    • Use /explosions [world] to disable explosions

    • Permission: buildsystem.explosions

v2.4 - 15.12.2019

  • Added support for 1.13-1.15

    • BuildSystem now support all versions from 1.8-1.15

    • It is not wise to load worlds from newer versions (e.g. 1.15) in older versions (e.g. 1.8)!

v2.3.3 - 18.11.2019

  • Added "Burning Furnace"

    • Always lit furnace in /blocks​

v2.3.2 - 16.11.2019

  • Pitch and Yaw are no longer swapped in custom spawns

  • Other smaller bug fixes​

v2.3.1 - 15.11.2019

  • More scoreboard placeholders

    • Added %permission% and %project% as variables that can be used in the scoreboard

v2.3 - 14.11.2019

  • Custom Spawnpoints

    • You can now set the spawnpoint of each world with /worlds setSpawn

    • Permission: buildsystem.setspawn​

v2.2 - 03.11.2019

  • Recoded scoreboard

    • Now uses packets, shouldn't flicker anymore

  • Added the option to disable vanish in archived worlds

    • Can be toggled in the config [Reload config with /config reload!]​

  • /skull <ID> now gives you a skull with a custom ID

v2.1.1 - 23.10.2019

  • Fixed a (yes another) scoreboard bug​

v2.1 - 23.10.2019

  • Overview of all commands

    • /buildsystem now gives you an overview of all commands

    • Only the commands of which you have the permission for are shown

v2.0 - 22.10.2019

  • Custom messages

    • You now have the option to change all of the plugin messages

    • Messages are found in the messages.yml file​

v1.8 - 10.10.2019

  • Added Scoreboard

    • Text can be altered in the config

    • Can be enabled/disabled with /settings

v1.7.2 - 03.10.2019

  • Fixed a bug where the player received the wrong block with /blocks​

v1.7.1 - 28.09.2019

  • Added "Powered Redstone Lamp" block

    • "Redstone Lamp" that always is lit

    • You can find the block in /blocks

v1.7 - 03.08.2019

  • Introducing: Templates

    • Templates are a new and easy way to create worlds

    • Copy the template you want added into the game into the "templates" folder

    • Then when choosing to create a word you can choose between Predefined Worlds and Templates

v1.6.4 - 30.07.2019

  • Refactored some code

v1.6.3 - 09.07.2019

  • Fixed a bug when not having the "buildsystem.gui" permission

v1.6.2 - 24.03.2019

  • Added permission

    • New permission: buildsystem.gui

    • Enabled by default

    • Permission needed to open the "Worlds-GUI"​

v1.6.1 - 26.02.2019

  • Small change

    • Added /worlds setStatus <world> to /worlds help

  • Refactored code

v1.6 - 14.10.2018

  • Added two new blocks

    • "Nether Portal"

    • "End Portal"​

v1.5.1 - 06.10.2018

  • Improved /worlds "Help-Message"

    • Clickable messages: Auto suggests command

    • Hoverable messages: Shows the permission needed to run the command

v1.5 - 01.10.2018

  • Rename worlds

    • Use /worlds rename <world> to rename a world

    • Permission: buildsystem.rename​

v1.4 - 25.09.2018

  • Custom colours

    • In /settings, each player now has the opportunity to change the glass colour in all of the GUIs

v1.3.1 - 21.09.2018

  • Fixed a incorrectly named sub-command (/worlds setProject)​

v1.3 - 20.09.2018

  • Added more blocks to /blocks

v1.2 - 13.09.2018

  • Added tab complete to /day and /night​

v1.1 - 11.09.2018

  • Improved physics command

    • You can now use /physics to toggle block physics in other worlds (/physics [world])

    • You can now tab complete worlds

  • Improved world switching

    • You can now only enter a world if you have it's permission

    • But players can always join the default world or worlds with their permission set to "-"​

v1.0.2 - 10.09.2018

  • Change to finished & archived worlds

    • When entering worlds that have been set to have the archive status, the player will now not be able to build or break blocks in the world (was previously finished)

    • Worlds that have been set to have the finished status, act like "normal" worlds again

v1.0.1 - 09.09.2018

  • Improved the creation of worlds

  • When a world is created, the standard time is now 6000 ticks

  • Refactored code

    • Changed the way the config are created

    • Cleaned up some code​

v1.0 - 09.09.2018

Inital release

Last updated